Spices can make you fat is totally a  wrong statement. Spices contain many vitamins and nutrients but your food should be zero calorie .

In today’s time where our generation is becoming too lazy. And inactive and their food consumption is becoming very unhealthy like junk foods and all etc. Spices which is our nature gift as well as India is well known famous for spices. Which gives the food flavor but the the consumption of spices. With the high calorie food should be harmful for the body.  

Spices in food doesn’t make you fat. In fact they have very low calories and don’t give you fat. But it depends totally on the food you are eating along. With foods which have high calories and can make you fat. Otherwise spices are not at all high calorastic foods .

But if you use some spices in junk foods like pizza burger etc. Are high calorastic foods which contain high amounts of fat can be harmful because. They are fried and contains fried oil too.Otherwise you can include spices for flavor and taste in the right food. Like you can add in your salads , vegetables etc. As we eat our homemade food daily in which we add spices to add up flavors as the food we eat in our homes are way much pure than outside food . To maintain a healthy life we have just to eat healthy without blaming the spices which are nature gift substances which help to boost up the immune system and help in internal healings etc.


But some of the factors we should look up like 

1.Some commercially blended spices available in the market should have some artificial  additives.  Like Some sugars and sodium levels can contribute to weight gain. So we should prevent ourselves from these harmful spices and should use the spices of the well goodwill shopkeeper or trusted sites.

2.Cooking instructions should also be looked upon like old spices we are using and adding in our dishes can affect our digestive system and health too. So you should use the fresh and pure spices in your dishes. 

But some misconceptions in today’s generation about the spices is very wrong . The above blog should provide you appropriate information relating to the spices and fat .  

In Fact the spices contributes in our healthy life  like cardamom helps in the good digestion and like turmeric for internal healings etc there are more spices which helps to aim for healthy life.

The conclusion is that the spices are not at all gives fat to the person until he or she consuming it with the junk foods otherwise spices can give the taste and aroma to the food without adding the calories , sugar etc;

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