How spices can be long lasting? .There is a very common problem with Indian mothers complaining about the degradation in quality of spices after the 2-3 months of purchasing. 

There are many problems faced are like:


  1. Fading of colors of red chili powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder.


  1. Losing flavors of unblended spices like  cardamom, black pepper, dry red chili, dry coriander seeds after 2 or 3 months of purchasing.


  1. Loss of smell in the spices and small insects like creatures started developing in monsoon season.


These problems are way frequent in maximum homes of India.

But don’t worry, in this blog we will provide you the tips and tricks about how the spices can be stored for long lasting.





Firstly and most important thing , when you are purchasing your spices because it is a very important factor . The best time for purchasing spices are the months of March , April , and June because at this period of time new crops arrive and you can get the good quality and fresh spices of the year, And can use it throughout the year.


Most of the people buy spices in winters or in a monsoon season which is known as the “Off season” for spices and the spices are stored in cold storages at these stages of time and, the fresh and quality spices wouldn’t  be available and you should have to use the old spices which can lose their flavor ,aroma and taste. 

So we prefer you to buy the spices in summers and in season period . So that your spices can be long lasting throughout the year.



Store your spices in an airtight container and in a clean container so that the spices should not  come with the contact of air . If you store them openly in a normal container it will lose their smell and aroma.


3.For the prevention of fading the color of red chili. The best solution is to apply 50 g of mustard oil in 1 kg of red chili powder . Its color will remain throughout the year and prevents from insects as well.


4. Keep them away from moistures and keep them in cool space and away from heat . But also give them sunlight before blending them to prevent them from insects and from flavor loss.


5.Keep in mind that, some people store their spices in the refrigerator which results in loss of flavor, aroma . Don’t store them in too frizzy places. In fact store them in a normal cool place.


6.Also clean your spices container 1 or 2 times a month so that the freshness should be maintained.


7.Spices like cardamom , black pepper you can store them in blended and crushed form and should keep them in an airtight container so that the flavors should be long lasting . but if you want to use them in an uncrushed form you should store them in a dry and cool place to have their aroma and flavors alive.


8.One more thing is that you should label your spices box and should not mix them with each other. And should be filled with their labeled name.


Hope you will find this blog informative and helping . Containing information about the proper storage and the long life of spices for their flavors , colors , taste and aroma.




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