Yes spices are  good for health.  

Spices like turmeric can protect the body from the pain ,injuries and prevent from harmful infections.

Turmeric is also used in some medicines as well as turmeric is also used for skin care helping to give face glow. It doesn’t have any side effects as other harmful substances as turmeric is nature gifted item. So it is good for our internal as well as external health .

There are many spices like turmeric which is very good for our health as discussed below: 

  1. Many spices like cinnamon helps in reducing blood sugar levels. They can be used in your food but in an accurate quantity.


  1. Cardamom-

Which is used for mouth refreshment. As well as helps in digestion and makes the digestive system healthy and  strong. Usually most of the people eat cardamom after their lunch or dinner for the easy digestion. And also used as  mouth refreshment


  1. Black pepper-

Which is a god gift natural medicine for eyesight. It is used after being blended and can be consumed in milk or water which improves eyesight.

  1. Dry coriander seeds:

also helps in digestion and good for digestive system. And should be used in your food. As uncrushed or as well as in powder form too according to the type of dish. They are also good in nutrients. As well which is absolutely good for health while adding in your food.

  1. Fenugreek seeds:

is a popular spice for human health. Chewing fenugreek helps to reduce the blood and sugar levels. It very good and important for the diabetic patients. Also the fiber content in fenugreek seed  helps to get easy food digestion .

  1. Garlic:

It is a very well known spice which is very essential for heart patients. It can be used in your food which helps to make your flavorful . As well as regulate the flow of blood and keeps the heart healthy. 


There are  various spices like the upper ones which we use in our day life but we don’t know their uses.

Thus various spices play various  roles in boosting our spices  internal health. 

Spices too contain most of the necessary components like vitamins , minerals etc which aims towards the healthy life

Spices are known for their strong flavors and are used in small quantities but if we use them in bit more quantities the can harm. As well like adding more red chilli powder can harm your digestive system so spices should be used in required amount according to the taste 

Second, if someone have problem regarding internal body issues like sensitive immune system or like something allergy with some spices should consult doctor first otherwise can be harmful to the body if

not noticed. 

Spices should not be seen as the eye of unhealthy substances they are very helpful in day to day lifestyle as some of the points discussed above are proofs for that 

The conclusion is that spices are not harmful to the body as they are naturally gifted substances but  should be used according to the taste in the required quantity so it wouldn’t be harmful.

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